Tuesday 27 January 2015

life is a loan

i am not sure where i read this particular statement, but it got me into thinking more than usual. not thinking, but imagining the what ifs..

"appreciate your blessings, as they are on loan to you."

simple statement yet very powerful. disturbing in actual fact. disturbing because it is true.

life is short. every single thing that we own is not really ours.  they are all gifts and blessings from God and He can take them back anytime He wants. anytime. One moment we might have a beautiful family, with a loving spouse, beautiful children who adore us, a huge mansion that we call home, and a career that we love. but the next moment, our loved ones might leave us forever. we might lose that job we think was going to keep the food on our table. and that moment will come with no warning.
just like when a plane crashes or when tsunami strikes.

are we ready to face the loss of those we can't imagine living without? am i ready to see my blissful life dissipate before me.. the answer is always no. but who are we to say no?

life is a loan. savour it while we still can.

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