Monday, 22 September 2014

Unwanted babies

The difference between Malaysia and other countries, is that you can only find babies in toilet bowls/rubbish dumps/drains in Malaysia. It happens on a monthly basis that it sounds like a norm and the 'in' thing to do nowadays. A lot of women and married couple wait for years to hold a precious baby in their arm. And when we hear of unwanted babies chucked in the manhole, it just becomes repulsively unimaginable.

I am not asking the society to condone to pre marital sex that usually leads to this phenomenon, but i urge you to be more supportive and understanding of those teenagers or unmarried women who might have got pregnant unwillingly. Parents should forgive and support their teenage daughters if they made a mistake. The lives of the innocence should not be violently taken away for fear that society might reject them of their past mistakes. Who are we to judge those who have wronged. God is ever forgiving.

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