Thursday, 26 June 2014

Kicking a spirit vs a normal trip and fall

Malays are superstitious. Unless they truly believe in God Almighty, they are not too bad. Unfortunately the latter consists of the minority..

Sometimes it annoys me to see how much they believe in things that are not even real. They believe in some tradition because their parents do. They fear for something just because others are too. But when we ask why, they can never think of an answer. They will just say, 'be careful with what you say because you need to be careful'. They do not know why.

This is actually an insult to the brain that is God's gift to every human being that is fortunate enough to loan it from Him. The brain believes what we choose to believe. And it rusts away if we choose not to use it.

Yesterday there was a mother who brought her daughter to us for not being able to walk after a fall. She fell the day before and she suffered in pain the whole night and day just because her mother refused to believe that there was something medically wrong with her. Instead, she brought her daughter to see a traditional healer for 'spiritual' x ray. This guy then placed his hand on her leg and 'worked up' his x-ray vision. After a few seconds, he proudly said that there was nothing wrong with the child.

Feeling unsatisfied, she came to us for second oppinion. Her leg xray noted a fractured bone in her leg.

I couldn't be any angrier. A mother's ignorance in believing that her child could have accidentally kicked a 'jinn' caused her daughter insufferable pain. And I am sure that incident still did not change her mindset.

Malays and khurafat. Inseparable. No wonder malays are still left behind.

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